Jun 11 Aug 29, 2022

Refik Anadol

Machine Hallucinations - Nature Dreams
EXPOSITION : Refik Anadol - Machine Hallucinations - Rêves de nature


Jun 11 Aug 29, 2022


Grande Nef

Curated by

Chiara Parisi, Director of Centre Pompidou-Metz

This summer, Refik Anadol, born in 1985 in Turkey and based in Los Angeles, presents the immersive installation Machine Hallucinations - Nature Dreams at the Centre Pompidou-Metz. For the first time since the Centre opened, the Grand Nave of the museum is occupied by the work of a single artist, a spectacular sculpture/digital painting that befits the extravagant scale of the venue.
An artist fascinated by memory and the creative potential of machines, Refik Anadol makes data his preferred material and artificial intelligence his principal collaborator. In his artistic practice, he surrounds himself with a team of multidisciplinary artists and researchers to create proteiform installations – 3D sculptures, moving and abstract data frescoes, audiovisual performances.

An artist fascinated by memory and the creative potential of machines, Refik Anadol makes data his preferred material and artificial intelligence his principal collaborator.



Visitor's guide for young people - Refik Anadol



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    An installation by Refik Anadol Studio (RAS) / MABU Collection : mabu.eth

With the sponsorship of the UEM group